After lunch, I take a long walk to tour around the east side of campus.
All my courses are held on the west side of campus, so I have not got the chance to visit the west side of Berkeley.
Next to Sproul Hall, I find a tree with a very interesting look. I wonder under what condition it gets to grow like that, maybe a stone blocked its way up, but it struggled to find a way up.
Then I pass through the Faculty Club, and find that some events are happening, teachers sit like students in a classroom taking lectures.
After this, I head north and spotted a group of adolescents crossing the street.
A very beautiful building, which I believe tobe the Sutardja Dai Hall.
A Coffee House along my way.
The Founders Rock
It's quite satisfactory to having some me time, which means not hanging out with friends, not sitting at the library studying. I can just walk around, observing people, think about how I feel just this moment and not even try to set plans for tomorrow
I think this is how "living in the moment" means.