Before coming to American, the thought never occurred to me that there is another gender other than male and female, which turned out to be 5 or even more.
These are some flyers that I get from the geneq office.
Since I have a class right at the barker hall, which happens to have a genderneutral restroom there, I am just lucky, I guess.
Then I went to ask the advisor at the main library to see if there is another genderneutral restroom there. He told me that I could find one at the moffit library.
So I went to the moffit library and asked the advisor on the 3rd floor, and she told me there is a large one on the 4th floor. Score! Lucky me.
Then I ask the advisor at 4th floor for more information; he told me I could check the student union. Sadly, though there's a lot of LGBTQ group, I can't track down any of them. And I was told by one of the students there that there is no exhibition about LGBTQ in July.
Then I googled to find out that there's a geneq office next to the student union, in which, after a lot of asking, I find the geneq office and get those flyers. There's also a community space for the group.
Once hearing that I am not part of the community, the officer seems to be a little upset, after giving me the website of theirs, he showed me off instantly. I think I should express myself better next time, and clarify that I intend to be an ally instead of a student who is just curious.
Then I headed to the university of gender and women studies, only to find out there is nothing more than academic, so I just left.
My father majors in Chinese literature, a lot of his papers are about the so-called "women's perspective," which shows that some researchers in China still think that the men's culture is the mainstream of culture. However, at a tine when this kind of papers still gets to be published around the world, LGBTQ+ people have already risen to fight for their rights, which I admire a lot.
Articles that I read about this topic: